
Alternative Membership Payment Methods

If you are wanting to get access to one of the Joe Frank Memberships and prefer to not use a PayPal Account to setup a re-occurring subscription then please see the two options listed below:

  • Purchase a Gift Membership with a Credit Card from the Shop – Select the Membership you’d like (Series or Premium), Add it to the Cart, and then during check-out select to use a Credit Card at the bottom before the “Place Order” button. To make it as easy as possible for you to start enjoying Joe this way, please put a note in the “Order Notes” (at the top right of the Checkout page) that you would like this applied to your account. Usually within 24 hours you will be able to login and listen, and once it is we will e-mail you.
  • Send a Check or Money Order to us through the mail – Send a Check or Money Order to us at the below address. Please include a message listing your account name and/or the e-mail address listed on it along with what Membership you’d like to be given access to. If you’d like access for multiple months or years please note that and ensure the amount sent is enough to cover that. Once the payment is cleared we will add access to your account and let you you know.
    Joe Frank
    PO Box 491027
    Los Angeles, CA 90049

NOTE: Nether of these methods provide an option to have the Membership be re-occurring.